Account Executives

Close more deals, faster

The fastest way for revenue professionals to update Salesforce, manage pipeline, and get the work done to crush quota.

Trusted by CROs & RevOps in B2B SaaS companies

Not enough time & focus?

Drowning in clicks, tabs, and tools? Anxious about pipeline & performance reviews?

Use Weflow to update Salesforce faster, manage your pipeline, and focus on deals that matter to crush quota.

Update Salesforce faster
Focus on key deals
Close more deals

Protect your time to sell

Get back ~4h/week updating Salesforce faster so you can focus on closing deals.

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Focus on quota-defining deals

Weflow surfaces deal signals & alerts to help you prioritize your work, and close more deals.

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Compliance made easy

Goodbye hearing “update Salesforce” or "MEDDIC data missing". Weflow helps you stay compliant with ease.

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Loved by top-performing revenue teams

Benjamin Beivers

CRO, Remerge

We win more deals as we can identify and act on risks early on. This not only feeds into pipeline health, but also makes sure that our forecasts are reliable.

Stephan Novalchuk

Revenue Operations Manager, Preply

Weflow enables users to swiftly manage their pipeline with ease, and much more.

Ian Unsworth

Business Development Manager, MindsDB

I save so much time using Weflow rather than Salesforce directly.

Rated #1 for Quality of Support

Sales Performance Management report,
Enterprise, Spring 2023

Rated #1 for Ease of Use

Sales Performance Management report,
Mid-Market, Winter 2023

Chris Mackinnon

VP of Revenue Operations, Zeotap

We have much better visibility as a management team, our current quarter forecast is always up-to-date, and we are now tracking sales emails and activities a lot better.

Andreas Bodczek

CEO, IDnow

We improved our forecasting accuracy because Weflow syncs pipeline updates from our reps automatically.

Robert Anders

VP, Cremanski & Company

Must-have for every sales tech stack.

Rayson Chia

Revenue Operations Manager, Zeotap

We’ve been using it for a few months now and the AEs absolutely love it.

Marc Ahr

CSO, Bendesk

Spend less time doing (annoying) data entry into Salesforce and be on top of opportunities/tasks to win more deals.

Rated #2 for Ease of Setup

Sales Performance Management report,
Spring 2023

Kole Stanley

Expansion Account Executive, Podium

With Weflow, I close more deals efficiently.

#1 for Ease of Use in Sales Performance Management report (G2)

Get a demo

Frequently asked questions

What is Weflow?
What is the pricing?
Is Weflow secure?
What is the average onboarding time?
Why are revenue teams more successful with Weflow?